These explosions create a massive amount of heat that could destroy the engine if not controlled properly–that’s where the cooling system comes in. A vehicle’s cooling system circulates a liquid coolant through the engine and then out to the radiator where it is cooled by air coming through the front grill. The main components of a cooling system include passages within the engine block and heads, a water pump to circulate coolant, a thermostat to monitor coolant temperature, and a radiator to cool the liquid after it has travelled through the engine.
As the anti-freeze travels through these passages, it picks up heat from the engine and carries it away to the radiator where it is cooled. Once cooled, the liquid is sent back through the engine. It’s important to maintain coolant levels to prevent engine overheating and potential damage. At T-Tech Auto, we recommend that coolant be changed every 24,000 miles and that any cracked, leaking, or brittle hoses be replaced at the same time. There are specific requirements for mixing coolant, if you feel unsure about them bring your car to our service and repair center located in San Diego, CA—we’re always happy to help!